How Do You Know Deviated Septum

Learn the symptoms of a deviated septum

Your nasal septum is a thin inner wall of bone and cartilage covered by mucosal tissue that separates your correct and left nasal cavities. When your nasal septum runs right down the heart of your nostrils, each side receives equal space for all that animate you lot do. When your nasal septum is crooked or displaced (deviated), ane side ends up smaller than the other. That can make it hard to breathe.

This crookedness may be meaning enough that it's easily visible in the external shape of your nose or then slight you'd be surprised to acquire your septum is deviated. The truth is that an estimated eight out of 10 people in the United States have a deviated nasal septum and many get through life without experiencing whatever issues.

Sometimes, all the same, a deviated nasal septum tin can create a variety of symptoms that are difficult to ignore and may interfere with your overall health. Our lath-certified specialists at Houston Sinus Surgery are well-acquainted with the problems a deviated nasal septum tin can cause.

We're happy to share v alarm signs to sentinel for, some of which may surprise y'all, and provide insight well-nigh the surgical fixes bachelor for a deviated septum: septoplasty and rhinoplasty.

A deviated nasal septum can cause:

ane. Difficulty breathing

When i nasal cavity is significantly smaller than the other, it can exist difficult to breathe through your nose. This symptom may be nearly noticeable at night when y'all're trying to slumber, or information technology tin can interfere with your breathing during exercise or sports activities.

Y'all may need to compensate with persistent oral cavity breathing, which dries and irritates your oral mucosa and tin can somewhen impairment your teeth. Saliva is a protectant that helps wash away droppings that attract decay-causing leaner.

2. Frequent nosebleeds

A deviated septum makes it harder for air to move through your nasal passages, which dries the moist membranes lining your nose and makes you more decumbent to nosebleeds.

iii. Nasal congestion and repeat sinus infections

When half of your olfactory organ is blocked, the event is frequently nasal congestion and inflammation that makes it hard for your sinuses to bleed. This can lead to repeat sinus infections and other symptoms, such as postnasal drip, that may be mistaken for colds or allergy-driven problems. And if you have allergies, a deviated septum can significantly worsen your nasal symptoms.

4. Headaches

The congestion associated with a deviated nasal septum can cause stuffiness and often debilitating headaches related to the pressure building in your sinuses.

v. Snoring, sleep disturbance, and worsening sleep apnea

A deviated septum can cause loud snoring and brand information technology difficult for y'all and your household to remain comatose. Information technology can also contribute to sleep apnea, a serious condition that causes you to stop breathing during sleep.

Surgery to fix a deviated nasal septum

At Houston Sinus Surgery, when conservative handling with nasal sprays and other medications fail, we offering septoplasty to correct the alignment and function of your nasal septum. It'due south an outpatient procedure done here at our Houston facility past Dr. Yeung and requires no external incisions. You tin can typically await to return to work and other normal activities within a calendar week.

Rhinoplasty may be a better option if you're experiencing problems with a deviated septum and are also bothered by the shape, size, or crooked appearance of your olfactory organ. As a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who's highly regarded for his surgical skill, Dr. Yeung uses his meticulous attending to detail to provide outstanding, cosmetically pleasing rhinoplasty results that tin increase your self-conviction and assist you breathe unremarkably.

Yous tin rely on the expertise of Dr. Cecil Yeung and our team at Houston Sinus Surgery to provide effective treatment with optimal results for your deviated nasal septum. Call the office today or book your visit online by clicking the "request date."

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